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How do you check which career is suitable for yourself?

Career choice is an important question and one that should be answered early on in a person's life if they wish to have the best possible chances at attaining success in life. How does one go about choosing a career? We can look at a few areas which provide some guidance.

Consider Your Interests

A good way to choose a career that is suitable for you is to start with your interests. What sort of stuff are you passionate about? What kind of subjects interest you in school? Are there any hobbies that can be turned into a career? For example, if you enjoy baking or cooking, you can look into a career as a chef or pastry chef.

If teaching interests you then you can definitely look into teaching as a career.

Consider Your Skills

One important factor to consider when choosing a career is your skills. You may be interested in something purely as a hobby, but if you do not possess significant skills in that area, your chances of success are limited. So a free online career aptitude test can help you judge your skills in a specific area to give you greater insight. For example if you find that you are good at math, you could consider a career in a technical field like engineering or statistics.

If you like the business side of things, you could choose accounting or finance.

Consider Your Values

Your values play an important part in the life you want to lead. This factors into your career as well. The kind of values you place important in would dictate the career that is right for you. Do you prioritize social work and helping others? If this is the case a career as a healthcare worker or social work would be appropriate for you.

If working on environmental issues is your thing, then you can definitely look into environmental science.

Consider Your Personality

Something else that you need to consider is your personality. It is quite important to note how your personality affects your career choices. Whether you are introverted or outgoing will suggest if you are able to achieve success in an industry or not. Do you like working alone or with others, whether you would like to be assigned a project and work by yourself or work on a large project as part of a team will dictate the type of job you should aim for.

If you are outgoing then a career in marketing or sales may be right for you while if you feel that you are more introverted than a research based career would be more appropriate. A free psychometric test could help you get insights into your personality to help decide matters.

Consider Your Work/Life Balance

Above all else is your work life balance. At the end of the day having a good work life balance is very important if you want to sustain your career without burning out. Questions like how much time you want to spend working every week, how much time you wish to spend with your friends and family will dictate the type of work that you are able to choose. Some professions require a lot of hours at the office leaving less time for hobbies and family affairs. If this is alright with you, then you can consider a career in business or law, otherwise teaching or social work would be better for you.

Whatever you choose to do, having personal guidance can be very helpful. Career aptitude test offers you personal guidance along with aptitude tests, so what are you waiting for, reach out to us today!

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